Wax Monster - Documentation


For more information see the Wax Monster Features documentation.


Quick Installation:
1. Download the distribution archive file "waxmonster-studio-distro.zip" using the link in the Download section.
2. Extract (unzip) the downloaded archive to a temporary directory.
3. Run the "install" command from the temporary directory to launch the installer.
4. Follow the instructions of the installer dialog.
  • Accept the license agreement.
  • Click the 'Install' button.
  • Click 'Next'...
For more information see the Platform Installation guide.

Software Update

If the Wax Monster application is already installed, you can simply perform a Software Update as follows:


For more information see the Platform Update guide.

Real-Time Java

To achieve the best performance and to avoid audio drop-outs (e.g. when using low latency audio drivers),
it is highly recommended to use a Real-Time Java runtime environment that supports deterministic garbage collection.

The Wax Monster application has been tested using the following Real Time Java Runtime:

There are other Real-Time Java Runtime environments available. (NOT Tested !)
Note: These are non-free and require purchase of a license ! However, there might be an evaluation / trial version available.

For more information about Real-Time JVM see the RTSJ home page and/or the JSR 1 and JSR 282 specifications.